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Flora and Fauna

State Flower

The state flower is the yellow Hibiscus Brackenridgei.

State Tree

A Polynesian introduced plant species the kukui, better known as the candlenut. The nuts of this tree provided the ancient Hawaiians with light, oil, relishes, and medicine.

State Bird

The Nene (pronounced "nay-nay") is a land bird and a variety of goose. First protected in 1967, after more than five decades, the species is no longer in immediate danger of extinction though the nene still faces threats and needs on-going protection.

State Mammal

The Hawaiian Monk Seal (Monachus schauinslandi) is an endangered species protected throughout Hawaii. They spend much of their time in the ocean but enjoy resting on sandy beaches.

State Marine Mammal

The Humpback Whale, an annual visitor to Hawaiian waters and so designated in 1979. Learn more about humpback whales. Read More

State Fish

The Humuhumunukunukuapuaa (pronounced "humu-humu-nuku-nuku-a-pu-a-a") is a Hawaiian Triggerfish, so named because of its triggerlike dorsal fins.