School Report
Geographic Information
The State of Hawaiʻi is comprised of eight major islands, with an estimated population in 2019 of 1,415,872.
Measuring from its submarine base (3,280 fathoms) in the Hawaiian Trough to the top of the mountain (13,796 feet), Maunakea is the tallest mountain in the world with a combined height of 33,500 feet.
The geographic coordinates of Honolulu, the state capital, are 21:18:25 North Latitude, 157:51:30 West Longitude.
Learn about the state symbols of Hawaiʻi or about our state flora and fauna (plants and animals)
Historical Information
Hawaiʻi officially became the 50th state in the American Union on August 21, 1959. The State of Hawaiʻi home page has more information on the history of Hawaiʻi.
Learn about Hawaiʻi's weather: Temperature and Climate Zones, its Rainfall and Storms, Water and Surf Conditions and Hawaiʻi's Mountains and Volcanos.
Hawaiʻi's two official languages are Hawaiian and English. The Hawaiian language is a Polynesian dialect. There are only 13 letters in the Hawaiian alphabet: A, E, H, I K, L, M, N, O, P, U, W and the ʻokina (ʻ). The okina is a glottal stop like the sound between the ohs in "oh-oh" and is considered a consonant. In order to assist with proper pronunciation and meaning, the ʻokina and kahakō/macron are a part of the modern Hawaiian language orthography.
Hawaiʻi is the most isolated population center on the face of the earth. Hawaiʻi is 2,390 miles from California, 3,850 miles from Japan, 4,900 miles from China and 5,280 miles from the Philippines.